by on May 14, 2019
I joined SongRamp back in the Early 2000s. I amassed so much inspiration from the other writers here; principal muses include but are not limited to: Ralston Bowles, Michael Campbell and Lucy Webster. But, just like any edifice that has fulfilled the measure of it's creation.... constructs de-materialize and other forms supplant them. I will miss the intimate way in which we could bounce ideas and visions off of one another and then swing around and share them with the rest of the community. I k...
1.7k+ views 2 likes
by on September 3, 2018
Check out this guy, Rick Beato and also Recording Revolution. Some very useful tips and lessons.
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by on December 7, 2016
I never met John Westwood in person but I sure do miss him. Many years ago, while reading song lyrics in a now defunct Songwriters Forum, I ran across a member who was constantly catching hell for commenting and providing constructive criticism on fellow members song lyrics. He wasn't consumed with telling people what they wanted to hear about their songs but he offered heartfelt suggestions and critiques. If the song was good ... he said so. If the song needed a line here or there ... he said t...
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by on September 24, 2016
Here is the Official Press Release for The Josie Music Awards.. Wow..Congratulations Josie Passantino, Tina Tinamarie Passantino, Team Josie and All who Attended This Amazing Event.. Thank you for my Beautiful Award for Songwriter of the Year Country ( Female )  ‎The Josie Music Awards‎ to The 2016 Josie Music Awards 11 hrs · Here it is! The official 2016 Josie Music Awards press release. Check it out:… 
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by on September 19, 2016
"Music" there are so many ways to be a part of it. A listener, producer, writer, musician player, arranger, singer, and the list goes on. I just want to give my two cents here. Once a song is written and then recorded; it is then shared with an audience. It ain't complete until it is! Yes, I do believe in re-writes and I do believe in honing your craft. But, while we're down that path and growing to be even better; it's okay to share. Music is about sharing! I remember when I was afraid. But, si...
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by on September 15, 2016
I`ve only recently started writing songs,after a lifelong Passion for all types of Music.Now I know Country Music is an Aquired Taste,and probably has a minimal following amongst the "Younger" Generations.But Country Music tells stories of real life and loves,sometimes not all good!Somebody asked me" Why dont you write more cheerful songs?" The answer,because life is NOT all cheerful.The depth and Soul of life is far more interesting than meaningless waffle!I try to bring to life in song.experie...
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by on June 21, 2016
Song Title " The Turmoil, As Long As Im Living, Ill Like You Forever Love You For Always. Wrote part of this piece as a young pre HighSchool Grad. Completed it many years later. Honest critique and open suggestions are very welcome. Lyrics have been established but just the same I am open to the possibility of other lyrical content."Ill Like You Forever, Ill Love You For Always, As Long As Im Living Your Baby Ill Be." Jhenny Nelso...
772 views 0 likes
by on February 25, 2016
I'm just spreading the word of my new blog "The Melody Of Success" which contains articles and information on the happenings in todays music industry. There are career tips of all kinds including product reviews and musician's resources of all kinds. Please feel free to drop by and feedback of any kind is welcome. Thanks ahead for any and all interest from the Songramp
830 views 0 likes
by on January 24, 2016
Artists today need their tracks to compete with what they are hearing on the radio; there is just no excuse for a crappy sounding track. In fact, if you’re track sounds like shit, then it’s our first red flag as to just how lazy, un-resourceful, clueless, and out of touch you are with the music business these days; kinda like showing up to a gun fight with a butter knife. Today’s music is consumed so fast and there is so much of it available that YOU HAVE TO BE FREAKING AMAZING in every way t...
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by on January 22, 2016
Having spoken to hundreds of musicians throughout my music career, it is interesting to note how some have let the dream fade into the past in favour of a life of normality, whilst others are still walking the yellow brick road in search of stardom. The question we ask is, why do people give up and what happens next? 1. Finances. If it's not already hard enough having to be the one man band in every area of musicianship, consider the amount of money which needs to poured into a single act in o...
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by on October 24, 2015
It sure seems to me that there is very little to be happy about these days ... it's a challenge just to watch the news without reaching for the prozac jar. Anger, hurt and disappointment. Violence, murder and hate. Crime, drug abuse and hopelessness. One tragedy after another stacked upon a mountain of catastrophe, calamity and despair.I'm not what would generally be classified as a very religious guy. That is not to say that I'm not spiritual, but you won't find me in church very often. When I ...
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by on August 8, 2015
Here is how I  use Open Mic.  I don't have time to listen  to all the  new songs and catch  up  on all the old songs  I've missed.  I select  "Play All"  from  Open  Mic  and go about my tasks. The volume is loud enough that  I can hear from wherever I am and if something  grabs me, I go and  replay  it  . If I replay  it   you get  2 listens and if I "like"  it  you get a "like". If I have a comment to make I do so . This way  every  new song  gets a "listen from  me ...or more . How  do you us...
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by on April 26, 2015
I've said a few times that I like Sunday Morning because that is when I take a little time to listen to the songs on the Songramp Open Mic.It's not the only time I listen but it's my favorite time to listen. When I was younger, I usually missed Sunday morning, if not the entire day, because of the antics of Saturday night. I never really felt very good on Sundays.  I'm older now, and although that still happens from time to time,it sure doesn't happen like it did when I was a dumb kid who though...
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by on April 24, 2015
Okay, so I wrote a song about divorce and drinking though I have no personal experience with either one. So how did I come up with a divorce/drinking song? I've got a brother and friends that are pretty much experts in both and they "volunteered" their expertise. The jest of the song is that a guy getting a divorce seeks out a lawfirm at a local bar and finds the “Highly successful law firm of Walker, Daniels, & Beam”. After I finished the song I went on a golf trip to Arizona with the “muses”, ...
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by on April 24, 2015
I recently started reading MAB's Questions and Answers thread found in the Songramp Music Industry Insider Forum. All 104 pages and getting bigger everyday, where you can find the do's and don'ts, ins and outs, ups and downs of becoming a songwriter in Nashville, Crashville write another Smashville, Music City, Tennessee, USA.Moderated by Marc-Alan Barnette, a fella who genuinely loves the music business, knows it inside out, and has successfully earned a living as a writer, performer, mentor, a...
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by on April 21, 2015
I will admit to being a “basement musician” most of the time – when I can even find time for that. But, lately, I’VE HAD THE BUG TO GET OUT THERE. Sure, I am known to grab my harps and sit in with friends. I’ve done that for years. But, that’s a bit different than being in the main spotlight, ya know?Recently, I’ve attended a few open mics and songwriter nights and it just feels so damn good! I find myself thrilled at the prospect of bringing my guitar to play – my harps, too, of course, but thi...
772 views 1 like
by on April 19, 2015
As I sit here, the morning of my birthday, reflecting on this constant compulsion to create songs, I've come to the conclusion i can't live without it.  It's a sweet affliction - an addiction.  But one that I would never want to changeSongwriters and poets suffer from the same affliction . . . they both believe they have something to say.  I'd bet a buck that most of the following statements describe you: "I spend a large portion of every day thinking about writing songs.""I read scripture and t...
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by on April 18, 2015
Everyone needs a hobby and some need cuts ... whatever the reason is you're here writing songs this is how I got here.I started stringing words together on paper as a form of self-expression when I was just a teenager. The idea of leaving something tangible, that wasn't there before, through writing has always been a way for me to blow off steam and have a little fun.  I guess I was writing a primitive form of poetry back when I was a youngster (45 some odd years ago), and it wasn’t a far leap t...
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by on April 17, 2015
Everyday, tens of thousands of songs are written, all over the world. Most will never be heard. Many more will only be sung by the songwriter, either in small circles of friends, or on a small stage somewhere. Very, very few will ever make the mainstream of radio. But, that doesn’t stop the songwriters of the world from turning out new creations. From baring their souls, from sending their messages, from answering the call of the elusive Muse. Why? For the Sake of the Song. “Maybe she just has t...
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by on April 17, 2015
Prior to leaving England 1972 for Australia, I had been a bass player for a couple of bands between 1964 to mid 1967. I was never very good and mainly a plonker around the root notes.I still have contact with the singer and drummer of the main band and when we get together we reminisce about the good old days. Over the last couple of years I have lost touch with the only surviving guitarist. In 2003 I met the drummers partner who was unable to work and when I asked her how she filled her day she...
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